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Icebreaker Bingo

Use our tool to generate and print out icebreaker bingo cards. Make use of our own terms or come up with your own. When you’re ready, choose the number you’d like to play with, then print them out for use with your hen party.

Customise Your Card

Tap to start
Icebreaker Bingo
Hen Party Icebreaker Bingo
Can speak another language
Doesn't like tea or coffee
Has a dog
Has been to the USA
Is wearing something blue
Has ridden a horse
Uses an iPhone
Has a child
Has a piercing
Is wearing a ring
Watches a soap regularly
Has met a celebrity
Can roll their tongue
Has been on a boat
Has a cat
Loves the outdoors

Icebreaker Bingo Cards

There are a lot of times when things don’t quite go to plan when it comes to pre-wedding bridal celebrations. We’ll be covering this in some detail for our forthcoming Hen Party Horror Stories treatise so stay tuned.

From mass no-shows to miserable mother in laws, your typical hen party tends to very eventful, sometimes for the wrong reasons. One of the issues we’ve come across is ynfamiliarity. A cause of stress for many hens that can have some swinging chairs around their heads.

So as to avoid any unpleasant confrontations and to also to avoid airborne furniture, we’ve created icebreaker bingo cards aimed at helping hens get to know each other before all hell breaks loose.

How to Play Icebreaker Bingo

Each of our icebreaker bingo cards contains items that you’ll likely come across when meeting another hen.

All you’ve got to do is mark off the items as they occur. The hen who marks of all or the most items is declared the winner!

We’ve also created a Hen Party Bingo Card featuring events that will typically take place on a Hen Party tear-up – a nice little companion piece. Why not use both for your hen-do? Don’t forget to check out our Wedding Speech Bingo Card either!

Ask us a question

Dale Shelabarger
Freelance Contributor