Use our free tool to generate and print out Christmas bingo cards. The first person to mark off all or the most items wins!
Christmas Bingo

Christmas Bingo Cards
The Christmas marathon is upon us – the most wonderful time of the year! Tis the season of present-giving, office parties, sparkly decorations, massive commercialisation and absolutely no mention ANYWHERE about the bloke for who this annual celebration is for.
To help you enjoy this festive and deliciously secular period, we’ve created Christmas bingo cards. Instead of numbers, they contain sayings and occurrences that typically play out around Christmas time. Fear not though! They don’t contain any religious messages. That would be weird, right?
How to Play Christmas Bingo (aka Holiday Bingo)
All you’ve got to do is mark off the items as they occur. You can either play throughout the Christmas period or choose a particular day in which to play. The first person to mark off all or the most items wins on our Christmas holiday bingo card wins.
How to Create Christmas Bingo Cards
You can either use our items or enter your own into the box provided. Once you’re satisfied, click ‘generate bingo cards’. Then choose the number of cards you’d like to print out, choose who you’d like to invite via email and then click invite followed by ‘Generate Printable Cards’.
If you’re planning festivities for the holiday season, be sure to check out our New Year Bingo Cards too!