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House of the Dragon

Use our free tool to generate free House of the Dragon bingo cards. Print out the cards and play on your own or with friends!

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House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon Bingo
Death by Sword
Iron Throne Mentioned
Villagers Killed
Viserys Targaryen Appears
Dragon(s) Appear
Sex Scene
Lord Corlys Velaryon
Death By Dragon’s Fire
Close Up of Dragon
Man Underestimates Woman
Prince Daemon
Dragon Glass
Smouldering Gaze into Distance By Anybody
Seven Kingdoms Mentioned
Dragon Drops Somebody to their Death

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon is an upcoming Game of Thrones spin-off set around 200 years before the original series. The series is partially based on the 2018 novel, Fire and Blood and chronicles the events leading up to the fall of the House of Targaryen as well as the eventual war of succession.

Paddy Considine, Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith and Olivia Cooke star in the much-anticipated fantasy drama which is to air on HBO.

House of the Dragon Bingo

To celebrate, we’ve created House of the Dragon bingo cards. They include some of the events, sayings and GOT clichés that will likely occur during any given episode. As standard bingo, all you’ve got to do is mark the items off as they happen. The first person to mark all or the most off wins. Alternatively, you can create your own terms.

Dale Shelabarger
Freelance Contributor