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Brit Awards

Use our free tool to generate and print out Brit Awards bingo cards, then invite your friends to play!

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Tap to start
Brit Awards
Brit Awards Bingo
Winning artist cries
“Thank you Mum/Dad”
Political moralising by anyone
Close-up of clearly tipsy celeb
Overly enthusiastic cheering
Anyone: “Don’t let hate win”
Ridiculous and impractical outfit
Acceptance speech is cut short
"I'd like to thank my fans"
Somebody gets heckled
Face piercings
Rainbow logo
Anyone: “Diversity”
Exaggerated hand gestures during song
Winner sniffs excessively during speech

Brit Awards Bingo

The Brit Awards will be back in 2025…kind of like a cheap suit. In fairness, this confounding gong-giving event has come a long way since poor old Sam Fox and Mick Fleetwood bumbled their way through the 1989 edition.

These days the Brit Awards (sponsored by a well-known credit card company) are a highly-polished, corporatized shindig celebrating ‘musicians’ who always seem to have head colds.

Happily though, the awards continue to throw up (pun intended) plenty of cringey moments. This is especially delightful given how seriously all the attendees take themselves.

A look back over the past decade underlines our point. Enter stage left a gurning, beady-eyed Alex Turner in 2014, who’s attempt to be ‘rock-and-roll’ came across as ‘petulant little boy’. He even did a mic-drop at the end, poor lad.

Then there’s James Corden, whose mere presence is mortifying, the low-flying Idris Elba in 2022, Anne Marrie’s tumble, also in 2022, and Ant and Dec’s failed selfie with Kim (yawn) Kardashian (we can’t remember when).

You can also count on plenty of political moralising and virtue signalling at the Brit Awards. These are, after all, people at a rather idealistic age.

What this all means of course is that the Brit Awards are absolutely ideal for a watch party with our Brit Awards bingo cards as a centre-piece. But how do you play?

How to Play Brit Awards Bingo

All you’ve got to do is mark of the clichés, cringes and tropes as they’re regurgitated throughout the show.

The person to mark off most or all of the items wins. Our Brit Awards bing cardd can be customised so you can use our terms or come up with your own. Once you’re happy, hit ‘generate’ and then invite your friends.

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Dale Shelabarger
Freelance Contributor, creating content since 2003